Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mr. Moody

I just wanted to say how thank ful I am for Jason. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who supports me in everything I do. He is always willing to listen to my feelings and let me know they are valid. I had a hard time today. Some old friends who I thought were really ready to let go of the past and not judge me proved otherwise. He reminded me of what I am worth and its up to them to realize it. I made me feel so much better. We both had the day off and got to spend it together. We went to lunch and a movie and just hungout. It was fun. I miss our date night we had in the old days. :)

It was so worth it to wait until I was 30 years old to be with this man. We have come so far in the last 2 1/2 years. Even in a years time we have been through a lot that has brought us even closer. Last year at this time, I had cervical cancer with no hope of having more children and Jason had lost his father very unexpectedly. We have over come that and face new challenges which I am thankful for also. I can't imagine going through them with anyone else. I love you Jas!